we solve your most complex,
challenging and chaotic product and experience problems

innovation  +  product strategy  +  user experience  +  design
trusted by:
Rockmass Logo
Purdys Chocolatier Logo
PetValu Logo
Black Talon Logo
Glüxkind Logo
Performatrin Logo
Franki Logo
Estate Logo
Estate Logo
Interaptix Logo
University of Phoenix Logo
Bitspawn Logo
Majente Logo
iCaro Logo
Purdys Chocolatier Logo
Rockmass Logo
PetValu Logo
Black Talon Logo
xiQ Logo
Franki Logo

better strategy
by design

We'll help you increase customer satisfaction and engagement by creating products your customers can't live without and elevate your product with thoughtful, clean and simple user experiences.

Tension specializes in taking in-market products and evolving them into powerful growth machines that go beyond product market fit and take your startup from where you are, to where you want to go.

I don't think it can be understated how much this could be company-making. This is awesome. This is really, really good. I think the work you guys have put together is fantastic, and I can at least speak for myself that this has really reinvigorated where I believe franki can go.  

Nick Bennett
Head of Product at franki

vision & innovation
designed with
care, authenticity
& craftsmanship

Tension cares unnaturally deeply about your digital product, service or experience, and it shows in how we work, our meticulousness and attention to detail, and the quality of output we deliver to you.

not your average product agency

Tension was built, and rebuilt, from the ground up to help companies and startups create better, more successful digital products & services. Our designers are strategic and our strategists, human-centric. We're simply a different breed. 

talented team

We've collected a dream-team of highly skilled, talented and proven product strategists, user experience & service designers and visual designers. Which means no matter how big or complex your project –– we've got you.
product & service strategy

We blend innovative discovery and prioritization methods to uncover the most meaningful solutions to the most challenging pains you and your users face –– meticulously building a crawl, walk, run, product or service roadmap.

user experience
& service design

We'll help you increase customer satisfaction and engagement by creating products your customers can't live without and elevate your product with thoughtful, clean and simple user experiences.

visual design & branding

Our talented designers expertly weave your essence, personality and DNA into imagery and messaging that crystallizes what your business stands for, and speaks to the hearts and minds of your target audience.

we make it crazy-easy to level up your digital products & experiences. three ways to engage with us:

rigour, diligence &
methods –– done
with startup-grade
speed & agility

Think you can't have both? Think again. At tension, we've honed and concentrated our processes and engagement models to help you get the most outstanding, high-quality work, in less time.